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Xcite Systems

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Linear Excitation System Consisting of the following: 1207-15-T/C Hydraulic Exciter Head 2,000lbf static force 2,000lbf peak dynamic force 2" Stroke, equipped with 2" LVDT 5,000lbf strain gage load cell 15 GPM Servo Valve The compact size of the 1207 allows for ease of fixturing. Model 1204-Mod4 Master Controller LVDT signal conditioning Strain gage signal conditioning for the load cell Pump Controls Dual loop servo system including dynamic loop compression control Three major capabilities are possible with the dual loop design of the Master Controller 1. Compression control of the dynamic loop changes the amplitude of the system drive dynamically to adjust the displacement output of the exciter to maintain a constant sine force even as the compliance of the structure changes during frequency sweeps. 2. The dual loop philosophy allows the mixture of feedback signals such as static displacement and dynamic force 3. User selectable power amplifier input allows use of either an external digital shaker control system or FFT analyzer DAC to drive the system with random, shaped random, white noise, chirp, pulse or user-generated waveforms. The Master Controller is capable of measuring static and dynamic force, static and dynamic displacement, independent static and dynamic set points, low and high frequency modes, LVDT signal conditioning, dither control, external controlled variables, force and displacement voltage outputs, static preload of tension or compression. Model 1302C-380-50 Hydraulic Power Supply 15 GPM, 3000 PSI Open frame with wheels Water cooled 8 GPM, 50 psi water supply required A 30 HP electric motor requiring a dedicated 50 amp 385 Volt 50 Hz Main Supply Reservoir capacity is 40 gallons. Customer is responsible to supply 40 gallons of Mobil DTE 24 or 25 oil. The 1302C Power Supply has capabilities of transportability and quiet operation. Pump is pressure compensated with variable volume providing reduced energy consumption and lower heat generation. Features 3 phase power sequence indicator, temperature and filtration warning lights. automatic shutdown on over temperature and low oil. 5 micron filtration Polarized quick disconnects for ease of connection to exciter head 20 ft cables and hoses for interconnecting the hydraulic power supply, exciter head and controller System manuals
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