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FLANGE IMMERSION HEATER certified ATEX 2014/34/UE ACCORDING TO DRAWING 636795-01 - Type of fluid : Gas not potentially explosive - Fluide to be heated : air - Minimum operating temperature / TS min : 5°C - Maximum operating temperature / TS max : 280 °C - Maximum operating pressure PS : 13 bar - Heating capacity (W) : 6000 +5/-10% - Number of power stage(s) : 1 - Distribution of power stages : 6000 - Voltage (V) : 660 3P - Coupling : Star - Specific load (W/cm2) : 1,4 - Immersion length A (mm) : 1600 - Non heating length Nh (mm) : 90 - Offset B (mm) : 200 Serial number: To be defined at the order Marking : II 2 G Ex d IIC T3 for operation in hazardous atmosphere (ambient temperature from -20 à 60, maximum relative humidity 95 %). Flameproof equipment of category 2 for surface industries, usable in risk areas 1 and 2, in gas environment of the group IIC whose temperature of self ignition is higher than 200 °C. EC-type examination certificate (ATEX) : LCIE 03 ATEX 6283 X and IECEx LCI 10.0011x Special conditions must be taken to allow the safe use of this equipment. Refer to the instructions manual. Requirements for a safe use: - The safety device monitoring the surface temperature of the heating elements must avoid the overheating of the external parts of the equipment in contact with the hazardous atmosphere, and must switch off the power supply according to a wiring diagram with positive safety (a manual reset is necessary). If necessary, a forced cooler must be installed to prevent this overshoot (pressurized air, blower...). - To heat gas in vacuum conditions is prohibited. - Precautions must be taken so that the heating part is never in contact with an explosive mixture. When a non-inert gas is heated, a gas analyzer should be installed, which switch off the power supply according to a wiring diagram with positive safety (a manual reset is necessary). - The maximum temperature of the gas to be heated and the set point of the safety devices must comply with the data of the instructions manual. Immersion heaters are designed, manufactured and tested to fulfil the main safety requirements of the PED 2014/68/EU (appendix I). Consequently, they can be installed on a pressure vessel subjected to the PED, with the risk of category 1, within the applicable limits PS, max TS and min TS. The Following documents will be supplied with the equipment: - the EU declaration of conformity ; - an instructions manual
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